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Bizzy B's Ferndale Avenue, Finglas East


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Bizzy B's Afterschool service has been operating since 2011 offering afterschool and out of term full day care to school children aged 4 -12 years.  We have 65 full & part time places available, and are open 51 weeks per year from 8.00am – 6.15 p.m.


We offer breakfast club 8-9am, afterschool care 1 - 6.15 pm and full day care 8.00 –
6.15 p.m. out of term time. Our staff are fully qualified in early years education, after school specific training, children’s first, health & safety and First Aid.

Our statement and full policies and procedures are available to all parents, staff and relevant stakeholder.

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Download the attached document to learn more about Bizzy B's:

Mission Statement, Aims & Ethos, Curriculum Statement, Building friendships and positive relationships, Policies and Strategies, Sample Activities, Promoting positive mental health and Collaborative approach.


Mission Statement



It is the mission of Bizzy Bs Afterschool service to provide an inclusive service for school children, which adopts an

anti-bias approach that will promote autonomy and positive self-esteem, directed by the children's interests; through play, activities and engagement with the natural environment

and local community.



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Daily outdoor free play, sports and recreational activities.

Education and involvement in nutrition, health eating, meal plan and food preparation and baking.

Exploring natural local environments such as parks, rivers and forests.

Learning about other creatures in the natural environment.

Science, Horticulture and planting

Music, Art, Movement, Drama & Wellbeing.

Taking part in risk taking activities.


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